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A laugh a day to keep the winter blues away: the 31-day comedy diet for January

From the Two Ronnies to TikTok via near-forgotten TV classics, here’s our dose of daily fun to ring the new year in with cheer

Amid the cascade of solemn, grimly sensible resolutions we inevitably set ourselves at this time of year, there is a task of universal importance that all too often slips through the net: laugh more. It’s something that more or less all of us agree is a good idea – few people would confidently say “no thanks, I laugh too much actually, and if anything I need to cut down” (perhaps a particularly giggly funeral director). But how does one achieve such an aim? When the cost of living continues to squeeze us into oblivion? When we live in the age of enshittification? And, above all else, in grim, desolate January?

Enter the Cultural Diet, the annual Observer feature that offers up 31 pieces of work, one for each day of the month, to help enrich and uplift the start of your year. This year, the theme is comedy – there can surely be no better inoculation against the unspecified horrors of a new year – and the weighty task of issuing the recommendations has fallen to me.

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