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Amazon is trying to trick me into signing up for Prime services

After I cancelled my subscription, I’m faced with a full-screen display with a sign-up box

Ever since I cancelled my Amazon Prime subscription I have been constantly nagged to sign up again when I check out. The latest pressure tactic is a full-screen display with the sign-up box highlighted, and a pre-ticked box authorising Amazon to use any gift card balance to pay for the subscription. I feel Amazon is trying to trick me into paying up.
SM, London

About 4.5 million people in the UK have, at some point, signed up to Amazon Prime by mistake, according to research last year by campaign group Which?. I’m one of them. The £95-a-year service offers, among other things, fast-tracked delivery and film and music streaming. Because it’s a healthy cash cow, with more than 200 million subscribers globally, the website prompts between basket and checkout are designed to capture as many customers as possible.

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