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‘At the top it’s a different world, crisp and pure’: readers’ favourite winter walks

From golden Cornish sands to a Highland trail with beavers, our tipsters choose atmospheric walks to blow away the cobwebs

Starting with a forest climb, the ascent of Tom Gill’s tumbling waterfalls sets the scene for this breathtaking, two-hour walk to Tarn Hows in the Lake District. At the top, you plateau to a different world, crisp and pure. Ahead, the undulating path meanders around jutting peninsulas and chilly bays, past boulder-dotted banks, bare twisted larch and islands bristling with soaring, verdant conifers. Face the waters and the tarn’s cold, polished surface, the colour of the winter sky, paints the landscape in reverse, reflecting, if you’re lucky, the snow-dusted peaks of Wainwright’s fells that shoulder the view.
Kevin O’Hara

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