Malign influence exerted by negotiators for fossil-fuel lobby dramatised in production transferring to London The anger, frustration and then triumph
Apps and booklets are offering advice on how to build a bunker, stockpile food and live without electricity in case
MPs will have their first chance to vote on the hugely emotive issue. Here’s what will happen on the day
The film adaptation of Rachel Yoder’s 2021 novel offers a whip-smart depiction of motherhood – and some icky body horror.
‘Trees of hope’ will be planted across the UK, including at a prison and a children’s hospital, in National Trust
Vote expected on Friday afternoon, as those running campaigns for and against say it is too close to call MPs
Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin all on about 20% in opinion polls after short, sharp campaign Ireland’s election:
Recent attack on trucks carrying flour has deprived starving civilians of food as territory teeters on edge of famine Aid
One independent MP calls bill – which passed on Thursday – a ‘1970 solution for a 2024 problem’ Social media
The odour from a wastewater plant comes and goes, but locals say it’s worsened after an equipment breakdown that authorities