Rachel Reeves’s budget criticised for keeping local housing allowance at same level despite rising rent costs Low-income renters will struggle
Cancer cell detector made of material that won its inventors Nobel prize is hailed as ‘clinical milestone’ A revolutionary device
In the city of Zwickau, which has a proud history in the country’s mighty automobile industry, there are fears about
Pro-EU president Maia Sandu faces Alexandr Stoianoglo in polls marred by accusations of Kremlin vote-buying Moldovans will head to the
Harris makes surprise appearance ‘live from New York’, while Trump’s Republicans lose a court challenge over balloting in Fulton county,
In shocking result that could reshape the race, ex-president falls three points behind in a state he won in 2016
Young victim found beside A63 in Hessle early Friday morning with lacerations to neck, stomach, chest and back A 14-year-old
The historic allegations, which Brand has denied, date back to 2006-13 when he was a radio and TV presenter Detectives
Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster likely to make at least £50m from leasing land to services such as NHS and
Commandos land in northern Lebanon in highly unusual operation to capture supposed militant group member Middle East crisis – live