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Landlords warn they may raise rents in response to Labour’s renters’ rights bill

Private rental sector reforms ‘could lead to Airbnb Lite’, says landlords’ association before plan unveiled in parliament

Landlords are warning they may raise asking rents in high demand areas if long-awaited reforms unveiled in parliament on Wednesday turn parts of the private rented sector into “Airbnb Lite”.

A ban on no-fault evictions and brakes on in-tenancy rent rises will be among key changes in Labour’s renters’ rights bill, as first revealed last week by the Guardian. But landlords are warning of up to 10% hikes if expected flexible tenancies mean tenants can walk away from deals in just two months.

Set deadlines for landlords to tackle dangerous conditions in an extension to the private rented sector of Awaab’s law, named after a two-year-old who died from the toxic effects of mould in social housing.

Only allow landlords to raise rents once a year, and only to the “market rate”.

Fine landlords up to £7,000 if homes do not meet a “decent homes standard”.

Abolish blanket bans on renting to people with children or who are receiving benefits.

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