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The Gaza tech worker: I heard about airstrikes where my sister lives – it took six phone calls to reach her

Abdullah Alshanti’s days are driven by survival: finding water, food and ways to charge the phones and laptops he needs to check the safety of his family and friends

Abdullah Alshanti, 26, is a user experience and interface designer. Before the war, he worked with a travel technology startup called Fluxir. He also worked in the electro-mechanical department of a hospital, building medical sterilisation devices.

Can you describe an average day in your life before this war?
I was filled with drive. I had vision, I wanted to excel. I wanted to make the most of every minute of life, to grow my skills. My daily routine involved waking up early to get to work at the hospital in the morning. After finishing my shift at 2pm, I would go home for lunch. After lunch, I’d have a rest, then work for Fluxir, often late into the night.

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